Santa Claus is your daddy |
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Betts(JP) Santa Claus is your daddy 2018-2022 Digital/Streaming — 2022 |
1.Santa Claus is your daddy 2018 / 9:58 Well, it’s that time of year again! I have been working on this series since 2018. Every Christmas, my family had a quiet chicken party except for me because I was too busy with work to get home in time. I would come home for Christmas when the kids were in bed. I satisfied my guilty conscience by playing Santa, muttering in my mind, For my son. At the time, I felt like I was not fulfilling my role as a father. At the same time, I felt like I was being excluded from the world. I always used music to release that resentment. I think it was because I was able to vent my nearly explosive anger and sadness through loud music that I was able to keep from giving up on being Santa and becoming a father. I have been presenting this series once a year. This work is finally entering its fifth year. My son is finally old enough to recognize that Santa is his father, and this summer, he created a work that expressed the emptiness of emotion itself, and the feelings associated with this work seem to have disappeared. This piece was completed. The moment when fantasy becomes reality, it always comes. I, too, am completely at ease. Next year, I will not be Santa, but just a father. credits Santa Claus is your daddy 2020 Santa Claus is your daddy 2018,2019,2021,2022 Betts(JP) – Electric guitar / Vocal / Field recordings/ Laptop Photography, Design by Betts(JP) |
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